Coach and breed Sales superstars

Help your sales reps get pitch perfect with video-based role-play OJT and watch your win rates skyrocket.

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higher win rates achieved by companies with dynamic sales coaching

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higher win rates achieved by companies with dynamic sales coaching

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of leading companies cite coaching as the most important role that frontline managers play

Sales coaching made easy

Tune’em enables you to complement your sales onboarding and sales training with coaching so you can empower your Sales team through consistent feedback and involvement.

Share product/ process documentation along with best practice videos for your sales team to refer to on their device of choice.

Provide your sales teams with a virtual practice environment to nail and submit their pitch. Reps can record and review their video before sharing it with their supervisor for approval.

Supervisors receive their team members’ videos, which are analyzed for correctness of message, tone, body language etc. These are individually reviewed and direct feedback is shared with reps.

Sales coaching made easy

Tune’em enables you to complement your sales onboarding and sales training with coaching so you can empower your Sales team through consistent feedback and involvement.

Share product/ process documentation along with best practice videos for your sales team to refer to on their device of choice.

Provide your sales teams with a virtual practice environment to nail and submit their pitch. Reps can record and review their video before sharing it with their supervisor for approval.

Supervisors receive their team members’ videos, which are analyzed for correctness of message, tone, body language etc. These are individually reviewed and direct feedback is shared with reps.

Trusted by leading enterprises
for Sales Coaching

Deliver coaching on-the-go
with Mobile Learning

Coach effectively - whether you are on the go or working remotely. Deliver sales coaching to your team members or peers by reviewing and commenting on their sales calls, presentations or demos. For your sales team, it means easy access to sales coaching materials, such as videos, podcasts, quizzes, or feedback forms, from anywhere and at any time.

Infuse fun into sales coaching
with Gamification

Set your reps up for success by identifying areas they need to work upon and gamifying the activities related to those areas. This makes the process of fine tuning their pitch more fun and engaging. You can also award badges as an acknowledgement for a job well done.

Track KPIs with
robust reporting

Track the right metrics to measure your sales reps’ performance, identify areas of improvement and provide effective feedback by:

  • measuring outcomes against set KPIs
  • measuring activity, conversion and performance metrics
  • getting access to videos uploaded by the reps

Reinforce winning behavior
with social amplification

Capture and share your top performing reps’ best videos on the app’s social network to foster peer learning and improve team-wide performance.


Improved win rates and quota achievement

Increased collaboration & rapport between sales supervisor & reps

Enhanced  AE-Buyer relationship and Customer Experience (CX)

Increased scale, reliability and predictability of sales success

Customer Success Stories


Creating business impact in a leading FMCG industry through behavioral change

An American multinational company and one of the largest chocolate manufacturers in the world.

  • An introduction of premium brands in chocolates and other higher unit priced...
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