Create learning & operational excellence  for your pharma sales reps

Empower your medical representatives to perform at their peak with continuous sales training & coaching, e-detailing and sales ops automation.

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Trusted by leading
Pharma enterprises

Why does pharmaceutical industry need
L&D and Sales Force Automation?

Changing Regulations

The rapid pace of regulatory changes in pharma necessitates sales reps to be prepared at all time to adapt quickly. 

Widening skill gaps

According to McKinsey & Company, new product modalities, digitization and advanced analytics have already created a skill mismatch in more than 80% of pharma-manufacturing companies.

Risk Management

Considering the legal and safety hazards in pharma, sales teams bear increased responsibility in ethical and accurate communication and distribution of drugs.

Digital Adoption

The evolving macro trends are forcing pharma companies to accept new ways of working that includes digital channels, which have dramatically changed the face of HCP engagement.

Operational Efficiency

The pharmaceutical sector is always under pressure to find new ways to be more efficient in while complying to tight regulatory standards.

Upskill & coach your pharma sales force

For your pharmaceutical reps, it’s a constant race to enhance their consultative selling skills with HCPs, grow key accounts and expand market share —all while keeping up with the latest developments in compliance. How are you ensuring your sales workforce is competent, efficient and skill-ready?

Ensure compliance through regular training and efficient onboarding

Build analytical, digital & CX skills

Coach to deliver value at every customer touchpoint

Sales Training & Upskilling

Be it refresher training or new skill development, ensuring that your medical reps have the necessary know-how is critical for your revenue generation goals.

  • Design a blended learning plan with CRT, VCRT and eLearning
  • Quickly identify knowledge gaps and assign appropriate course curriculums
  • Administer assessments with certifications 
  • Gamify your sales learning journey

Sales Coaching

In the face of growing uncertainty, competition and other challenges that face the pharmaceutical industry, your frontline staff needs to be coached so they can add value to the HCPs.

  • Improve sales performance through on the job coaching for in-office workforce
  • Extend video-based coaching for remote employees
  • Reinforce winning behaviour with social amplification 

Sales Onboarding

Pharmaceutical sales is highly specialized. In an industry where sales must speak the language of science and business, ramping up new medical reps with the right tools and training is mission critical to their revenue success.

  • Design a role-based learning path by stacking sales training courses
  • Improve training engagement and retention with an intuitive, multilingual mobile app
  • Make training collaborative with Social Learning

Enhance HCP engagement & 
medical rep productivity

With doctor engagement becoming increasingly omni-channel, how can you empower your reps to go beyond in-clinic detailing? How can you bring in increased operational efficiency?

Equip with tools for digital communication & engagement

Automate day-to-day operations & streamline processes

Unlock the power of data & analytics


As the engagement strategy for HCP reps moves to a hybrid model, which mixes in-person meetings with virtual communications, ensure your team has all the tools for a rocking seller-and-buyer engagement.

  • Get product brochures and other promotional materials at the tip of your sales team’s fingertips with Sales Content Management 
  • Empower reps to build and publish product and brand campaigns for Whatsapp, Email and SMS to key stakeholders
  • Get detailed analytics on HCP’s engagement with campaigns
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Order Booking

Simplify order taking and processing for your MRs by eliminating manual work and significantly increasing operational efficiency. Enable both primary order booking – from distributors, and secondary order booking - from HCPs and Chemists, to streamline the entire order management process.

Sales Automation

For an industry that thrives on HCP visits, automating repetitive tasks for medical reps allows them to handle more visits, improve engagement with doctors and health practitioners, and improve revenue. 

  • Track complete lead to closure process
  • Capture order, stocks, goods return with reasons, feedback, sample tracking details, competitor NPDs, customer engagement and service tickets
  • Create weekly/ monthly tour plans
  • Build configurable workflows with multiple levels of approval and rejection
  • Manage time and attendance with options for geo-tagging, geo-fencing, selfie-capture etc.
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Competitor Intel

Enable MRs to add and analyze information on competitor products and sales data. Further, leverage this data to develop compkill strategies and stay ahead of your competition.

Revolutionizing doctor-rep engagement for the
modern pharma companies

Build relationships with Healthcare Professionals(HCP)

Represent your brand with confidence

Oversee sharing of accurate product information

Expand engagement with key accounts

Customer Success Stories


Training 1000+ Pharma sales force across country on new products in a single day

An Indian multinational conglomerate with presence across various sectors such as healthcare, life sciences and drug discovery.

  • Train and prepare a 1000....
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A pharma company’s journey of Digital Transformation leading to proven business outcomes

An Indian multinational pharmaceutical company that manufactures and sells pharmaceutical generics, formulations and nutraceuticals in India and globally.

  • For it vast talent...
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A complete ecosystem to amplify
Sales impact & drive business growth for Pharma

Sales LMS & Coaching Platform

Tune’em trains, upskills and coaches distributed sales teams to grow revenue & exceed quota.

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Sales Force Automation Platform

Royce automates & streamlines sales operations, enabling sellers to engage with customers efficiently.

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